Simple Stories in English: Let’s Go Fishing

Season 1, episode 23

Jayden, Charley and Theo love fishing with their mom. One Saturday they grab their fishing poles and head to the lake. Find out what they catch in today’s story, “Let’s Go Fishing.”

Let’s Go Fishing

It is Saturday. Jayden and his brothers Charley and Theo want to go fishing. They like fishing a lot and Saturdays are perfect for fishing. The three boys enter the kitchen where their mom prepares breakfast.

“Mom, we want to go fishing,” Jayden tells his mom. “Can we go to the lake?”

“What a good idea!” Their mom responds. “But first you need to eat your breakfast.”

Jayden, Charley, and Theo eat toast with eggs and sausage. Then they help their mom prepare for the day. They put sandwiches and apples in a bag. They find the fishing poles and put them in the car. The three brothers are excited for their fishing trip, but there is a problem. They don’t have bait. They need bait because the bait attracts the fish. The fish eat the bait, but the bait is on a hook. When the fish eats the bait, he also eats the hook and gets trapped.

“Mom, we don’t have bait,” Charley announces. “Can we go to the fishing store?”

“Okay, but we should go now,” his mom responds.

The three brothers and their mom get into the car and go to the fishing store. The fishing store has a lot of things for fishermen. It has fishing poles in many sizes. Some poles are very long for fishing in rivers. Other fishing poles are small because they are for kids.

The fishing poles have a reel and they need fishing line and a hook. The hook traps the fish. The fishing line connects the hook to a reel on the fishing pole. The fisherman winds the reel to catch the fish. There are several types of fishing line and hooks. If you want to trap big fish, you need stronger line and a big hook. To fish in a lake, you just need a normal line and hook.

The fishing store has clothing too. Some fishermen use special clothing for fishing. There are hats and pants and vests.

But the brothers are not interested in fishing poles, line, hooks, or clothing. They want bait. The fishing store has a variety of bait. There is natural bait and artificial bait. The artificial bait is small plastic fish or flies. The most popular natural bait is worms. Worms are long. They don’t have eyes and they are slimy. The boys think that worms are excellent. 

“Mom, we found the worms!” Theo announces. “Can we buy them?”

“Yes. The worms are perfect bait,” their mom responds.

The family buys a container of worms. Then they go to the lake. They have three options. They can fish on the shore of the lake, they can fish from the dock, or they can rent a boat and fish in the center of the lake. 

Jayden wants to fish from the shore. Charley wants to fish from the dock. Theo wants to fish from a boat.

The family decides to go to the lakeshore because it costs money to rent a boat and there are a lot of people on the dock. They walk to a little beach. The three boys prepare their fishing poles. Jayden grabs a worm from the container. He puts the worm on the hook of his fishing pole. When everything is ready, he throws the bait in the water. He is carful because he doesn’t want to trap one of his brothers or his mom with the hook.

Theo wants to fish too. He grabs a worm from the container, baits his hook, and tosses the hook into the lake. Charley also wants to fish, but he doesn’t want to touch the worms because they are slimy.

“Mom, can you help me with the bait, please?” Charley asks. His mom doesn’t want to touch the worms either. Their mom doesn’t like slimy things like worms. But, she wants to help Charley, so she grabs a worm from the container and puts it on the hook. Charley tosses the hook into the water.

The boys fish and their mom reads a book on the lakeshore. Nothing happens for many minutes. It is very calm and they listen to the sound of water on the shore. Suddenly, Jayden shouts, “I have something!” 

Jayden is very excited and winds the reel. He pulls the fishing line with his fishing pole and he sees the object trapped on the hook. It is not a fish – it is a boot! Jayden is very upset. Suddenly, Charley shouts.

“I have something!” Charley yells. He pulls the line and winds the reel of his fishing pole. When he sees the object trapped by the hook, he is upset. It is not a fish, it is algae – a plant from the lake.

Jayden and Charley take the boot and algae off their hooks when Theo shouts.

“I have something!” Theo’s line moves quickly, but Theo doesn’t do anything. He is about to lose the line from his fishing pole.

“Theo, wind the reel!” His mom yells. Theo reacts and pulls the line. He quickly winds the reel. The fish is strong and fights against Theo. Theo is about to lose the fish when Charley grabs Theo’s fishing pole to help. The two brothers pull.

The strong fish fights. The brothers are about to lose the fish when Jayden grabs Theo’s fishing pole to help. The three brothers pull. Theo winds the reel. Little by little they move the fish closer to the lakeshore.

Finally they see the fish. It is a beautiful, big, strong fish. The mom grabs a net. She gets in the water to trap the fish with the net. The three brothers pull and the mom traps the fish with the net. She lifts the fish out of the water with the net. The fish is a beautiful trout. It is green, blue and red. The fish is big; it measures 80 centimeters.

The three brothers are very proud of their fish. It was a family effort to capture the fish. The mom takes a picture of Jayden, Charley, and Theo with their fish. They are all exhausted by the fight with the strong fish, but they are happy too.

The end.

You can also watch a video of this story on YouTube!

I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories. I work hard to provide tools and supports for those who want to learn. Please, consider buying me a taco to support my work!

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Simple Stories in English: See You Later!

Season 1, episode 22

It is the end of the school year for Imani and many others. She shouts “See you later!” to those she meets in the hallway. But what about her friends and others who won’t be back in the fall? Will she have to say goodbye? This simple story is told in the present tense and focuses on the words “says”, “responds”, “likes”, “goes”, and “goodbye”. 

See You Later!

It is the end of May and for Imani Reyes it is the end of school. Imani goes to high school. Her school is called Lincoln High. Imani walks in the school. She sees a lot of classmates. Not all the students in the school are her friends, so she isn’t going to talk to them during vacation. But Imani is a nice girl. She sees her classmates and says, “See you later!”

“See you later, Imani!” her classmates respond. Everyone is very excited that it is summer and they don’t have more school. They don’t have more exams or projects. It is the end! All the students smile when they say see you later.

Imani goes to the music room. Imani plays the trumpet in the band. She plays very well. Imani likes band class a lot. She likes the concerts and she likes to play at the football games.

Imani enters the music room. The band teacher is named Ms. Richardson. She is Imani’s favorite teacher. Ms. Richardson gives Imani music to practice during vacation.

“Thank you, Ms. Richardson,” Imani says with a smile. “See you later!”

“See you in September, Imani!” Ms. Richardson responds.

Then another student enters the music room. It is one of her bandmates. His name is Jacob. He plays the tuba. Jacob is graduating. Jacob passes his instrument and music to Ms. Richardson. She smiles, but it is a little sad.

“Goodbye, Ms. Richardson,” Jacob tells her.

“Good luck in the future, Jacob,” Ms. Richardson responds.

Then Imani goes to the library. She needs to return some books. The librarian looks at Imani when she enters. The librarian is very kind and smiles at Imani.

“Hello, Imani, how are you?” she asks.

“I’m well, thank you. I need to return some books,” Imani responds. Imana passes three books to the librarian. “See you later!”

“See you later, Imani!” the librarian says.

Then a student enters the library. Her name is Caris. Caris reads a lot of books and is always in the library. Caris is graduating. It is her last day in the library. Caris passes a book to the librarian. She seems really sad and says, “goodbye.”

“Good luck, Caris,” the librarian responds sadly.

After the library, Imani goes to social studies class. The teacher in the class is Mr. Anderson. Mr. Anderson is physically big and intimidating, but he has an excellent personality. He is caring and very patient. Imani likes Mr. Anderson a lot, even though she doesn’t always like social studies. In class, the teacher announces that he is not going to be at Lincoln High next year. Mr. Anderson and his family are moving to a different city to be closer to family.

Imani is sad. She doesn’t want to say goodbye to Mr. Anderson because he is an excellent teacher. When class ends, Imani goes to Mr. Anderson.

“Goodbye, Mr. Anderson,” Imani says in a small voice.

“Take care, Imani,” Mr. Anderson responds with a sad smile.

After social studies class, Imani goes to the cafeteria. In the cafeteria Imani sits with her friends. Some of her friends are finishing school and graduating. Imani realizes that it is her last lunch with those friends.

Imani thinks about all her friends and other classmates that are graduating. She thinks about Mr. Anderson and other teachers that are leaving to other schools or other jobs. Now Imani is sad.

“Imani, what’s wrong?” her friend Birdie asks.

“I’m sad Birdie,” Imani responds. “I don’t like to say goodbye.”

“So, don’t say goodbye,” Birdie says. “There are a lot of other options. You can say see you soon, take care, good luck, or my favorite, see you later!”

Imani smiles at her friend, but she is still sad. “I can’t say ‘see you later’ or ‘see you soon’ because I’m not going to see them.”

Birdie smiles too.

“That’s life, friend. People come and people go. You are also going to leave school one day. But you can always ‘see’ everyone in photos,” Birdie touches Imani’s cell phone, “and in your memories,” Birdie touches Imani’s head.

Imani listens to Birdie. She is right: saying goodbye is part of life. It’s sad, but it can also be happy. People are going on a new adventure.

After school, Imani looks at her friends that are graduation. She looks at Mr. Anderson. “See you later!” Imani yells.

The end.

You can also watch a video of this story on YouTube!

I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories. I work hard to provide tools and supports for those who want to learn. Please, consider buying me a taco to support my work!

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Simple Stories in English: Miguel’s Music

Season 1, episode 19

Today’s story connects to episode 9. Perhaps you will remember “Miguel’s Little Lie”. Miguel wanted to go to a rock concert with his friend Wes, but, due to his lying, ended up going to a classical music concert with his mom and sister. Little did he know how much that concert would change his life. He thought rock music was the only sound worth listening to, but after hearing violins, flutes, trumpets, and tubas, he has a new appreciation for instruments. I hope you enjoy “Miguel’s Music.”


The End.

You can also watch a video of this story on YouTube!

I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories. I work hard to provide tools and supports for those who want to learn and I like to keep it ad free. Please, consider buying me a taco to support my work!

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Simple Stories in English: Time for Bed

Season 1, episode 17

Life with a toddler can be fun and difficult. That is why routines are so important. When Lily doesn’t take her nap, the rest of the day is rough for her dad, Stephen. Perhaps a nighttime routine with soothing songs will be exactly what they both need to sleep.

This simple story is told in the present tense and focuses on the words “sleep”, “throws”, “sings”, “reads”, and “doesn’t”. 


The End.

You can also watch a video of this story on YouTube!

I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories. I work hard to provide tools and supports for those who want to learn and I like to keep it ad free. Please, consider buying me a taco to support my work!

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Simple Stories in English: I Love You, Mom

Season 1, episode 15

Mothers often need to have patience as children learn and grow. Nadia is mother to Luisa and Perla. Luisa loves her family and she loves to help. But sometimes her help causes problems for her mother. All is well, though, with Luisa hugs her mom and tells her, “I love you, mom.”

This simple story is told in the past tense and focuses on the words “listened”, “ran”, “wanted”, “said”, “responded”, “surprised”, “pretty”, and “love”.


Luisa is 4 years old. Her sister Perla is only one. Luisa and Perla live with their mom Nadia and their dad Max.

Luisa likes her family a lot. She loves her mom, her dad and her little sister. She likes to read stories with them. She likes to play with them and watch movies with them. She especially likes to help them in the house.

Luisa helps in the house a lot. When her mom and dad talk, Luisa listens. For example, one day Nadia mentioned that Perla needed a bath. So Luisa decided to help. Luisa went to the bathroom and grabbed a towel and soap. Luisa filled a bucket with water. Then Luisa walked with the towel, soap, and water to Perla’s room. Luisa put the towel in the bucket of water with the soap. Then Luisa washed Perla. When Luisa finished, she called her mom.

Nadia listened to Luisa and ran to the bedroom. When she entered Perla’s room, she was very surprised and a little angry. Perla’s room was a disaster! There was water and soap all over the floor.

“Why is it a mess here?” Nadia yelled at Perla. “Why is there water and soap on the floor?”

Luisa looked at the disaster and ran to her mom. She hugged Nadia and then she said, “I love you mom. I just want to help.”

Nadia sighed. “I love you too, Luisa,” Nadia responded. “Now let’s clean this up.”

Another time Nadia mentioned that the family was going to an important event. She said that they were going to have elegant clothes and that they had to be very pretty. Luisa was very excited. She loved elegant clothes. Perla also had an elegant dress, although small.

The day of the event, Luisa observed her mom. Nadia was putting on makeup. Luisa thought that she also needed makeup to be pretty. So Luisa took her mom’s makeup. She went to Perla’s room. Luisa painted her lips and cheeks red. Then she put makeup on Perla. She thought they were very pretty and called her mom.

Nadia listened to Luisa and ran to the room. When she entered Perla’s room she was very surprised and a little angry. Luisa had used her favorite makeup and it was destroyed. Then she looked at Luisa with her big, red smile and Perla with her rosy cheeks. Luisa ran to her mom.

“Look mom, we are pretty like you!” Luisa said. Then she hugged her mom and said, “I love you, mom.”

Nadia sighed. “Yes, dear. We are very pretty,” Nadia responded.

Luisa wanted to do something special for her mom’s birthday. So in the morning she decided to prepare breakfast for her mom. Her mom likes to eat eggs. So Luisa grabbed two eggs. One egg fell and broke on the floor. Luisa broke the other egg in the pan. Then Luisa decided to prepare pancakes for her mom’s special day. She opened a lot of boxes and combined the ingredients.

Max, Luisa’s dad, heard the noise in the kitchen. He walked to the kitchen to investigate. When he entered the kitchen he was very surprised and a little angry. The kitchen was a disaster!

Luisa looked at her dad’s angry face and began to cry. “I just wanted to prepare a special breakfast for mom,” Luisa cried.

So Max helped Luisa prepare eggs and pancakes for Nadia. Max and Luisa walked to Nadia’s bedroom. Nadia looked at the delicious breakfast and she was surprised. Luisa ran to her mom and hugged her.

“I love you, mom,” Luisa said. “Happy birthday!”.

“Thank you, Luisa!” Nadia exclaimed and then she ate all the pancakes while Max and Luisa cleaned the kitchen.

One day Luisa was watching a television show. On the show, a boy made a panting for his mom. Luisa decided that she also wanted to make a painting for her mom. So Luisa grabbed paintbrushes and paint. Luisa worked on the painting for a long time. She painted and painted with red, blue, yellow, and purple.

Nadia was with Perla. She didn’t see Luisa. She didn’t hear Luisa. Nadia was worried. She decided to investigate. She wanted to see if Luisa was okay. When Nadia entered Luisa’s room, she was very surprised and a little angry.

Luisa was painting on the wall of her bedroom. Luisa painted three girls on the wall. One girl was tall, one girl was short, and the third girl was very small. The girls were in a red heart. Luisa looked at her mom. Then Luisa ran to her mom and hugged her.

“It’s you, me, and Perla. I love you, mom,” Luisa said.

Nadia sighed. “I love you too, Luisa. This is a very pretty painting. In the future, let’s paint on paper and not on the wall.”

The end.

You can also watch a video of this story on YouTube!

I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories. I work hard to provide tools and supports for those who want to learn and I like to keep it ad free. Please, consider buying me a taco to support my work!

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Simple Stories in English: I’m Bored!

Season 1, episode 14

We all get bored. Georgie has a room full of things, but he still gets bored. When he tells people he is bored, they just send him away to do something else. Will he just stay bored forever? Or will he find something to entertain the day away? Listen in to find out in “I’m Bored!”

This simple story is told in the present tense and focuses on the words “thinks”, “grabs”, “takes”, and “What’s wrong?”.


Georgie is 6 years old. He lives with his mom, dad, sister and grandma. At home, Georgie has a big bedroom. in the bedroom there are a lot of things. There are books to read and color. There are teddy bears and dinosaurs. There are toy cars and trucks. there are blocks and balls. Georgie has a lot of things, but today, it is not enough.

Today is Saturday. Georgie doesn’t have school. Georgie doesn’t have work. After eating breakfast, Georgie sighs loudly.

“What’s wrong, dear?” his mother asks.

“I’m bored, mom,” Georgie responds.

“Bored?” his mom reacts in surprise. “Well, read a book.”

Georgie walks to his bedroom and looks at all the books. He selects a comic book. Georgie reads the book. It is interesting, but today it is not enough. Georgie closes the book and walks to his dad. Georgie’s dad is washing the dishes. Georgie sighs loudly.

“What’s wrong, dear?” his dad asks.

“I’m bored, dad,” Georgie responds.

“Bored?” his dad reacts with surprise. “Well, read a book.”

“I already read a book,” Georgie says. 

“Well, watch a show on the TV with your grandma,” his dad recommends.

Georgie walks to the living room. His grandma is sitting on the couch and she’s watching a show on the TV. The TV program is her favorite soap opera. The soap opera is super dramatic and intense. Georgie doesn’t like the soap opera very much. Georgie sighs loudly.

“What’s wrong, Georgie?” his grandma asks.

“I’m bored, grandma,” Georgie responds.

“Bored?” his grandma reacts in surprise. “This telenovela is very intense and interesting! If you don’t want to watch my telenovela, play with your sister.”
Georgie goes to his sister’s room. His sister’s name is Brisa. Brisa has a group of dolls and teddy bears. She is playing with the dolls when she sees Georgie.

“Can I play with you, Brisa?” Georgie asks.

“Yes,” Brisa responds, “but you have to listen to me and you can’t attack my dolls!”

Georgie grabs a teddy bear and a dinosaur from his bedroom. He plays with Brisa for a few minutes, but he is bored! Brisa and her dolls drink tea and talk about girl stuff. Ugh! Georgie sighs loudly.

“What’s wrong?” Brisa asks Georgie.

“I’m bored, Brisa,” Georgie responds.

“Bored?” Brisa reacts in surprise. “You are at the exclusive tea party of princess Adela (the name of her favorite doll) and you are bored?!”


“Well! Play in your room. Good-bye!” Brisa exclaims.

Georgie walks to his bedroom and looks at his stuff. He sees a book. The drawings are nice, but Georgie is still bored. He looks at the balls. He throws a ball against the wall, but it isn’t enough. Georgie is still bored. He looks at the blocks. He builds a tower, but it isn’t enough. Georgie is still bored. He looks at the cars. He pushes the cars on an imaginary street, but it isn’t enough. Georgie is still bored.

Georgie sits in the middle of his dormitory with all his stuff. Georgie is bored. He thinks and thinks and thinks. Then Georgie has an idea.

Georgie takes the blocks and builds a small city of blocks. Georgie takes his cars and puts them on the street of the little city. Then Georgie goes to his parents’ bedroom. He opens the closet and grabs the camera and tripod. Georgie returns to his bedroom with the camera and tripod. Georgie positions the camera and the tripod.

Georgie grabs a teddy bear and a dinosaur. He puts the dinosaur on the street of the little city with the cars. Then Georgie takes a picture. Then he moves the dinosaur a little and takes another picture. Georgie continues moving the dinosaur and the cars little by little. With each movement, he takes a picture. After a lot of pictures, he puts the teddy bear in the street of the little city too.

After 30 minutes, Brisa enters Georgie’s bedroom and sighs loudly. “I’m bored,” Brisa says. Then she sees Georgie’s activity. She grabs some small dolls and puts the dolls on the street with the cars and the dinosaur. She helps Georgie move the toys and take pictures.

After 20 more minutes, Georgie’s dad enters the bedroom and sighs loudly. “I’m bored,” his dad says. Then he sees Georgie’s activity. His dad takes a position with the camera. Georgie and Brisa move the toys and their dad takes the pictures.

After ten more minutes, Georgie’s mom enters the bedroom and sighs loudly. “I’m bored,” his mom says. Then she sees Georgie’s activity. His mom helps move the toys with Georgie and Brisa.

The whole family works together for two hours. They move the toys and take pictures. Then the dad grabs his computer. He puts the photos on the computer and connects all the photos to make a movie. The mom then takes the computer. She puts in music and sound effects.

Then the family goes to the living room to watch their movie. The grandma is in the living room. She is sitting on the couch and she sighs loudly. “I’m bored,” grandma says.

Georgie smiles. The family sits on the couch with the grandma and watches the movie on the computer. It is a fantastic movie about a dinosaur that attacks a small city. The dinosaur grabs and throws cars. The people in the city yell and the dolls run. Then an enormous bear attacks the dinosaur and defends the city.

The movie is fantastic and Georgie is happy. He decides that sometimes it is good to be bored because boredom leads to creativity.

The end.

You can also watch a video of this story on YouTube!

I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories. I work hard to provide tools and supports for those who want to learn and I like to keep it ad free. Please, consider buying me a taco to support my work!

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Simple Stories in English: Ramona on the Beach

Season 1, episode 13

Who doesn’t enjoy a day at the beach? Ramona certainly does. She goes to the beach every day and watches the tourists as they take pictures, play in the waves, and play in the sand. Ramona is not a tourist. She is a capuchin monkey. She is also a famous thief. Listen in to find out how Ramona steals from beachgoers in “Ramona on the beach”.

This simple story is told in the present tense and focuses on the words “monkey”, “take/takes”, “tourist”, “steal”, “thief”, and “beach”.


The country of Costa Rica has a lot of beaches. The beaches of Costa Rica are especially pretty. The ocean water is blue and the sand is white. There are a lot of animals on the beaches of Costa Rica. There are iguanas, sloths, macaws, and monkeys, a lot of monkeys! There is the spider monkey, the howler monkey and the capuchin monkey. A lot of tourists visit the beaches of Costa Rica and look at the monkeys.

There is a monkey named Ramona. Ramona is a capuchin monkey. Capuchin monkeys are famous for their intelligence. Capuchin monkeys also live for many years. There are a lot of capuchin monkeys in all of costa Rica. They are sociable and live in big groups.

Ramona lives with a group of capuchin monkeys in the Manuel Antonio National Park on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Ramona likes where she lives and she likes her group. She also likes to be alone sometimes.

In the morning, Ramona goes to the beach and looks at the tourists. The tourists take photos with their big cameras. They take photos of the palm trees. They take photos of the waves of water in the ocean. They take photos of the animals. They take photos of Ramona!

Ramona likes the photos. She thinks that she is very popular and famous. Ramona looks at the tourist’s cameras and smiles for them. Ramona likes tourists. She likes to observe the tourists.

In addition to taking photos, the tourists walk in the water. They jump over the waves. They splash in the water. They swim in the water. It doesn’t matter if the water is cold. Tourists always touch the water.

Tourists also play in the sand. They write words on the sand like “Pure life” and “Costa Rica” and then they take photos. They take off their shoes and walk on the sand. They move the beach sand with their toes. Some small tourists make sand castles. They build towers of white sand and rivers of water.

The craziest tourists simply put a towel on the beach. Then they sit or lie down on the towel. Some sleep! Why do they sleep on the beach? Why don’t they sleep at home?

Ramona likes tourists. She especially likes the crazy tourists that sleep on the beach. Ramona likes the tourists because Ramona is a thief. Ramona robs the tourists. but Ramona is not just any thief. She doesn’t steal money or cameras or telephones. Ramona steals food.

Many tourists go to the beach with food. they have a picnic on the beach. They have sandwiches, cookies, apples, oranges, and more. There is always a lot of food and Ramona is always hungry. Sometimes Ramona walks close to a tourist and the tourist offers her food. In these moments, Ramona is a little shy, but she receives the food and then runs to the palm trees to eat. Other times the tourists yell at her. But Ramona doesn’t care. She steals their food when they aren’t looking.

Stealing food sometimes is easy and sometimes is hard. Ramona needs to be careful. There are other groups of capuchin monkeys on the beach. The other groups of capuchin monkeys also want to steal food from tourists. So Ramona needs to grab the food quickly and run to the palm trees. If Ramona isn’t careful, other capuchins steal the food from her.

Sometimes it is difficult to steal food because the tourists are vigilant. Sometimes the tourists have food in their backpack and they keep watch on their food. When the tourists are vigilant, Ramona needs to be smarter and she needs help.

Ramona has a friend named Oleg. Oleg is a small capuchin monkey. Some tourists think that Oleg is a baby, but he is not a baby; he is 33 years old. Ramona and Oleg are a good pair. Oleg distracts the tourists. The tourists watch Oleg and think that he is a cute little monkey. They take out their cameras and take a lot of photos. They take out their phones and take videos for Instagram. Oleg is a perfect distraction. When tourists watch Oleg, Ramona steals the backpacks! She takes the backpacks to the palm trees. Then the group opens the backpack and takes all the food.

Sometimes when she steals food, Ramona is very shy. She walks slowly to a tourist and observes for a long time in secret. Then she steals the food when the tourist isn’t looking. In other moments, Ramona is very brave. Once she stole a sandwich out of a tourist’s hand!

Anyway, if you decide to go to the beach in Costa Rica, it is important to be vigilant with your food. But if you see a small capuchin monkey, you need to take out your camera and take a picture because it is possibly the famous Oleg. Then take a picture of the capuchin monkey that is stealing your backpack, because, surely, it is Ramona, the famous thief.

The end.

You can also watch a video of this story on YouTube!

I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories. I work hard to provide tools and supports for those who want to learn and I like to keep it ad free. Please, consider buying me a taco to support my work!

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Simple Stories in English: The Lost Cows

Season 1, episode 12

Paula enjoys living in the mountains with her dog Bobo and her one hundred and fifty cows. But sometimes her cows wander off and need help getting out of some sticky situations. Paula counts her cows and when they are missing, she looks for them. Paula will do anything to help her cows if they get stuck. She will pull, cut and even sing to help them. Will she be able to help them all?

This simple story is told in the present tense and focuses on the words “needs”, “is missing”, “look for”, “stuck”, “hears”, and “runs”.


There is a woman. Her name is Paula. Paula is a strong, solitary woman. She is not very sociable. Paula doesn’t have many friends because she lives far from civilization. Paula is a rancher. She lives on a ranch in the mountains. Paula has a lot of cows on the ranch. She takes care of the cows. She feeds them. She talks to them. She sings to them. The cows just say, “Moo.”

Paula also has a dog. Paula’s dog is named Bobo. Bobo is a white and black dog. Bobo has a lot of energy. He likes running in the mountains. He likes running after the cows. Paula takes care of her dog. She feeds him. She talks to him. She sings to him. Bobo the dog just says “bow wow.”

Paula and Bobo walk with the cows in the mountains. Paula likes walking with the cows in the mountains. But there is a problem. Sometimes the cows get lost in the trees and Paula doesn’t know where they are.

So Paula counts the cows. She counts the cows in the morning and in the afternoon. She counts the cows to check that all the cows are present.

Paula has 150 cows. In the morning, she walks with her 150 cows to the woods. The cows eat the green grass and are very happy. Paula and Bobo walk in the flowers and breathe the fresh air and are very happy.

In the afternoon it is time to return to the ranch. So Paula counts her cows. she should have 150 cows, but she only counts 147 cows. She is missing three cows! Where are the cows? The cows are lost!

Paula and Bobo look for the three cows. They look in the trees and they look in the green grass. Bobo hears a noise and barks, “bow wow.” Then Bobo runs to the noise. Paula runs after Bobo. Then Paula hears the noise “moo.”

It’s a cow! Paula and Bobo run to the cow. They find the cow in a puddle of mud. The mud is brown and thick. The cow can’t move very well. the cow is stuck in the mud. The cow doesn’t move from the mud.

Paula wants to help the cow. She takes a rope and forms a lasso. Paula throws the lasso over the cow. Then Paula pulls. She pulls and pulls the rope. The cow moves a little. Paula pulls more. Bobo grabs the rope and pulls. Finally the cow is free from the mud! Paula, Bobo, and the cow walk to the group.

Paula counts the cows again. Now she has 148 cows. She is missing two cows! Where are the cows? The cows are lost!

Paula and Bobo look for the two cows. They look in the bushes and they look in the green grass. Bobo hears a noise and barks, “bow wow.” Then Bobo runs to the noise. Paula runs after Bobo. Then Paula hears the noise too, “moo.”

It’s a cow! Paula and Bobo run to the cow. They find the cow in a tree. The branches of the tree trap the cow. The cow can’t move very well. The cow is trapped in the tree. The cow doesn’t move from the tree.

Paula wants two help the cow. She takes a knife. Paula uses the knife and cuts the branches of the tree. She cuts and cuts the tree. The cow moves a little. Paula cuts more. Bobo grabs and moves the branches. Finally the cow is free from the tree! Paula, Bobo, and the cow walk to the group.

Paula counts the cows again. Now she has 149 cows. She is missing one cows! Where is the cow? The cow is lost!

Paula and Bobo look for the cow. They look in the bushes and trees. They look in the green grass and in the mud. Bobo hears a noise and barks, “bow wow.” Then Bobo runs to the noise. Paula runs after Bobo. Then Paula hears the noise too, “moo.”

It’s a cow! Paula and Bobo run to the cow. They find the cow in the grass. The cow is perfectly fine. The cow is not stuck in the mud or trapped in a tree. But there is a problem. he cow doesn’t move. Paula touches the cow, but it doesn’t move. Paula pulls the cow, but it doesn’t move. Paula pushes the cow, but it doesn’t move. Bobo barks at the cow, but it doesn’t move.

“What is your problem, cow?” Paula says.

“Mooooo!” the cow responds.

“Bow wow!” Bobo barks.

Paula observes the cow, then Paula understands. Paula wants to help the cow. She touches the cow softly. Paula sings softly to the cow. After a few minutes, the cow moves a little and Paula is happy.

Paula looks at the green grass behind the cow. In the green grass there is a small baby, a calf. The calf looks at Paula with big eyes and says, “moo.”

The calf stands up and walks to its mom. Paula, Bobo, the cow, and the calf walk to the group. Paula counts the cows again. Now she has 151 cows. She isn’t missing a cow, she has an extra cow!

The end.

You can also watch a video of this story on YouTube!

I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories. I work hard to provide tools and supports for those who want to learn and I like to keep it ad free. Please, consider buying me a taco to support my work!

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Simple Stories in English: The Boots

Season 1, episode 11

Luis enjoys his life as a rancher. He likes taking care of animals. Being on a ranch requires boots. Luis has a special friend that he wants to spend time with on the ranch, but she does not have boots, so Luis decides to get her some. Luis goes all over town, including the shoe store, the bank and the gas station as he tries to buy the perfect boots. Will he be able to get what he wants?

This simple story is told in the present tense and focuses on the words “needs”, “asks”, “goes”, “has”, numbers and many descriptions of people.


There is a boy. The boy’s name is Luis. Luis is sixteen years old. Luis is tall, dark, and handsome. Luis lives in Wyoming. Luis lives on a ranch in Wyoming. Luis is a rancher. Luis likes living and working on the ranch. He likes working with the animals on the ranch. But there is a problem. The animals on the ranch produce a lot of manure, or poop. So Luis wears boots. He always wears boots. He likes boots.

Luis has a special friend. His special friend is named Sally. Sally is pretty with long red hair. She isn’t tall or short, she is average. Luis likes to spend time with Sally. He thinks Sally is perfect, with one exception. Sally doesn’t have boots. Sally always wears sandals or cute shoes. She doesn’t want animal manure on her cute shoes, so Sally doesn’t visit the ranch.

Luis likes Sally a lot and he wants to spend more time with her on the ranch. So Luis decides to buy boots for Sally in the city. Luis has an old blue truck. Luis goes to the city in his truck. He goes to the shoe store in the city. The shoe store sells shoes, sandals, and boots.

Luis enters the shoe store. In the shoe store there is a man. The man is short, fat, and very nice. The man works in the shoe store.

“Hello. How may I help you?” the man says.

“I am looking for boots,” Luis responds.

“I have a lot of boots,” the man says.

Luis looks at the boots. There are brown boots, red boots, blue boots, pink boots, and purple boots. Luis likes the purple boots because purple is Sally’s favorite color.

“How much are the purple boots?” Luis asks the man.

“They cost $259 (two-hundred fifty-nine dollars), sir,” the man answers.

Luis is surprised. The boots cost a lot of money. Luis doesn’t have enough money and he doesn’t have his credit card. Luis needs to go to the bank.

Luis gets in his truck. Luis goes to the bank in his old truck. The bank has a lot of money services. The bank cashes checks, sends money to other people, and gives loans. It is also possible to take money out of an account.

Luis enters the bank. In the bank, Luis sees a woman. She is tall and dark. The woman works in the bank.

“Hello, how my I help you?” she says.

“I need money,” Luis answers.

“I have money,” the woman says. Luis gives his bank account information to the woman and the woman looks at Luis’s money on the computer. Luis has enough money in the bank.

“How much money do you need?” the woman asks.

“I need $259 (two-hundred fifty-nine dollars), please,” Luis answers.

The woman counts out $259 (two-hundred fifty-nine dollars) and gives it to Luis. Luis takes the money and says, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” the woman responds.

Luis runs to his truck. Now he has the money and he needs to return to the shoe store to buy the purple boots. Luis goes to the shoe store in his old truck.

After five minutes, the truck stops. It stops in the middle of the street! Luis looks at the controls and sees the problem. The truck is out of gas! Now Luis has two problems: he needs to buy the boots for Sally, but he also needs to buy gas for his truck.

Luis pushes the truck to the gas station. Luis decides that he needs gas more than boots. In the gas station, Luis sees a man. The man is skinny and of average height. The man works in the gas station.

“Hello, sir. How may I help you?” the man asks Luis.

“I need gas,” Luis answers.

“I have gas,” the man says. The man fills the truck’s tank. The truck uses a lot of gas. When he is done, Luis asks, “How much is it?”

“$65 (Sixty-five dollars),” the man answers.

Luis counts $65 (sixty-five dollars) from the money he got at the bank. Luis is sad. Now he doesn’t have enough money for the purple boots for Sally and he doesn’t have time to return to the bank. Luis decides to go to the shoe store. Maybe there are other boots that cost less money.

“Hello! Are you going to buy the purple boots?” the man who works in the shoe store says when Luis enters.

“I don’t have enough money for the purple boots,” Luis answers. Luis counts his money. He originally had $259. The gasoline cost $65. So Luis now has $194 (one hundred ninety-four dollars).

“Do you have boots that cost $194?” Luis asks.

The man looks at the boots. The red boots are only $194! So Luis buys the red boots for Sally.

Luis prepares a fantastic night for Sally. Luis likes Sally a lot. Luis wants to go to an elegant restaurant and he wants to give the boots to Sally in a romantic moment. Then, he wants to walk with Sally in the ranch.

Luis goes to Sally’s house in his old truck. Sally lives in an enormous house in the city. In the truck Luis talks a lot. Sally doesn’t say anything. Sally just listens.

In the elegant restaurant, Luis eats steak and potatoes. Sally eats a salad with chicken. Luis talks a lot. Sally doesn’t say anything. Sally just eats and listens.

After eating, Luis prepares a romantic moment. He wants everything to be perfect when he gives Sally the boots. Luis looks at Sally and says, “Sally, I think you are fantastic. I want to spend more time with you. I want to walk a lot in the ranch with you, so I bought you these boots.”

Luis passes the boots to Sally. Sally doesn’t accept the boots. She looks at the boots with disgust. Finally Sally speaks.

“Luis, I don’t like ranches, I don’t like boots, I don’t like walking in animal poop, I don’t like your old truck, and I don’t like the color red. Good-bye.” 

Luis is very surprised and sad. Sally takes a taxi to her house and Luis walks to his truck alone. When he is walking, Luis has an idea.

Luis decides to visit the house of one of Sally’s friends. Luis goes to Hilda’s house. Hilda is very nice. She lives on a ranch too. She doesn’t have problems with animal poop or old trucks. Luis knocks on the door and looks at Hilda.

Hilda opens the door and Luis says, “Hello, Hilda. I bought you some boots!”

“I love red!” Hilda says with a smile. “Do you want to walk on he ranch with me?”

The end.

You can also watch a video of this story on YouTube!

I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories. I work hard to provide tools and supports for those who want to learn and I like to keep it ad free. Please, consider buying me a taco to support my work!

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Simple Stories in English: The Busy Mom

Season 1, episode 10

When things get lost, the logical solution is to look for them. Sometimes we are so busy looking that we don’t see what is right under our noses. Lourdes is busy. She tries to make time for her son’s problems, but sometimes her own problems get in the way, such as when she needs some ginger for her cake.

This story is told in the present tense and has multiple repetitions of “Did you look?” and “I looked” as well as places around the house


There is a woman. Her name is Lourdes. Lourdes is a nice and patient woman. She is also a hard working woman. Lourdes works a lot. She works at home. She has a cooking blog. She prepares food recipes, cooks the food, takes photos of the food, and write articles about the whole process for her blog. Lourdes works practically all the time in her home. She is always busy.

Lourdes lives with her husband and her son. Lourdes’s husband is named Bill. Bill works too, but Bill does not work from home. He works in a chocolate factory. Bill works in the factory from nine (9) in the morning until five (5) in the afternoon.

Lourdes and Bill’s son is named Kevin. Kevin is fourteen (14) years old. Kevin does not have a job. Kevin likes to play video games.

One day Lourdes is working. She is working on a new recipe for gingerbread cake. Lourdes is in the living room. She is busy. She is reading an old book of recipes when Keven enters. Lourdes is busy, but she takes a moment to talk to her son.

“Mom, I have a problem,” Kevin says.

“What’s wrong?” Lourdes asks.

“I can’t find my new video game. I looked through the whole house. I don’t know where it is,” Kevin says.

“Did you look in your bedroom?” Lourdes asks.

“Yes, I looked in my bedroom. It’s not there,” Keven responds.

“Did you look in your backpack?” Lourdes asks.

“Yes, I looked in my backpack. It’s not there,” Keven replies.

“Did you look in the car?” Lourdes asks.

“No, no I did not look in the car,” Kevin replies.

“Well, maybe it’s in the car. Look in the car,” Lourdes tells her son. So Kevin goes to the car to look for his new video game and Lourdes continues reading the book of recipes. After a while, Lourdes moves from the living room to the kitchen to make the gingerbread cake. 

Lourdes is in the kitchen. She is busy. She is preparing the ingredients for the gingerbread cake when Kevin enters with another problem. Lourdes is busy, but she takes a moment to talk to her son.

“Mom, I have a problem,” Kevin says.

“What’s wrong?” Lourdes asks.

“The car is locked and I can’t find the keys. I looked all over the whole house. I don’t know where they are,” Kevin replies.

“Did you look in the entryway?” Lourdes asks.

“Yes, I looked in the entryway. They’re not there,” Keven replies.

“Did you look in the living room?” Lourdes asks.

“Yes, I looked in the living room,” Keven replies.

“Did you look in the kitchen?” Lourdes asks.

“No, no I did not look in the kitchen,” Kevin responds.

“Well, maybe they are in the kitchen. Look in the kitchen,” Lourdes told her son. Kevin looks a little and finds the keys.

Kevin leaves the kitchen and looks for his video game in the car. Lourdes has a lot of work. She is busy. She continues to prepare the ingredients for the gingerbread cake. She has eggs, butter, sugar, and flour. But there is a problem. She doesn’t have ginger! Lourdes looks all over the kitchen, but she doesn’t know where the ginger is. It is not possible to make a gingerbread cake without ginger!

“Mom, I have a problem,” Kevin says.

Usually when Lourdes is busy she makes time for her son. But in this moment, Lourdes doesn’t have time.

“I’m busy, dear. I don’t have time for another problem right now,” Lourdes responds.

“What’s wrong?” Kevin asks.

“I can’t find the ginger. I don’t know where it is,” Lourdes responds.

“Did you look in the cupboard?” Kevin asks.

“Yes, I looked in the cupboard,” Lourdes responds.

“Did you look in the pantry?” Kevin asks.

“Yes, I looked in the pantry,” Lourdes replies.

“Did you look in the fridge?” Kevin asks.

“No,” Lourdes says, “who puts ginger in the fridge? I think we don’t have any more ginger. I think I need to go to the store to buy more ginger.”

Lourdes needs to go to the store so she grabs her purse and grabs her wallet. The store is a bit far, so Lourdes needs to drive there. To go to the store, Lourdes needs the car keys.

“Mom, I have a problem,” Kevin repeats.

“I’m busy, dear,” Lourdes says. “I don’t have time now. I am looking for the car keys. I don’t know where they are.”

“Yes, well, mom…,” Kevin says.

“Just a minute. I am going to look for them in my bedroom,” Lourdes interrupts. She goes to her bedroom and looks for the keys, but they are not there.

“Well, mom,” Kevin says.

“Just a minute. I am going to look for them in the sofa,” Lourdes interrupts. She looks for the keys in the sofa, but they are not there.

“Mom!” Kevin yells.

“Just a minute,” Lourdes responds. “I am busy. I am looking for the keys. I don’t know where they are.”

“But I know where the keys are!” Kevin yells at his mom.

Lourdes stops and looks at Kevin. “You know where the keys are?,” Lourdes asks.

“Yes,” Kevin responds. “They are in the car.”

“Ah, perfect. Let’s go to the supermarket for the ginger,” Lourdes responds.

“But mom, there is a problem,” Kevin explains. “The keys are in the car, but the car is locked.”

“Oh,” Lourdes says and she thinks for a moment. “Ah! It’s okay, son. I have extra keys in my purse here,” Lourdes says. She opens her purse and grabs the extra keys. “Now let’s go. I am very busy today.”

The end.

You can also watch a video of this story on YouTube!

I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories. I work hard to provide tools and supports for those who want to learn and I like to keep it ad free. Please, consider buying me a taco to support my work!

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