Simple Stories in English: Cake for Breakfast

Season 1, episode 7

Birthdays are a special time, especially for young kids. Ruthie wakes up on her birthday wanting something special to eat for breakfast: cake! Her parents think that she should eat what they do, but Ruthie is determined to have her cake and eat it too. Can she convince her sweet grandmother to make her cake for breakfast?

This short, simple story is told in the present tense and focuses on the words “birthday”, “breakfast”, “cake”, “can’t”, “can” and “should”.


There is a girl. Her name is Ruthie. Ruthie is a fun girl. She is five (5) years old. Ruthie is short and has red hair. She is social and kind. She lives in a house with her parents and grandmother. Ruthie doesn’t have any siblings.

Every morning, Ruthie eats breakfast. Breakfast is really important. It is the first meal of the day. Ruthie typically eats cereal for breakfast. Her favorite cereal is Lucky Charms.

But this morning, Ruthie wants something different. She doesn’t want cereal, she wants to eat cake. Ruthie wants to eat cake for breakfast because it is her birthday. Ruthie thinks that she needs to eat cake for breakfast, lunch and dinner. She thinks that she needs to eat cake all day because it is her birthday (and she likes cake a lot).

Ruthie walks to the kitchen. There is a box of cereal on the table. Ruthie doesn’t want to eat cereal. She looks at her mom and says, “Mom, today is my birthday and I want cake for breakfast.”

Ruthie’s mom is tall, thin, and pretty. She looks at Ruthie and responds, “You can’t eat cake for breakfast. You should eat toast with butter like me. You can eat cake in the afternoon.”

Ruthie’s mom makes toast with butter and eats it. Ruthie doesn’t want toast with butter, she wants cake. The toast with butter looks bad. So, Ruthie goes to her dad. Ruthie’s dad is tall and chubby. Ruthie looks at her dad with big eyes and says, “Dad, it’s my birthday and I want a special breakfast. I want cake for breakfast. Can I have cake, please?”

Ruthie’s dad looks at his daughter with her big eyes and responds,” You can’t eat cake for breakfast. You should eat eggs and bacon like me. You can eat cake in the afternoon.”

Ruthie’s dad prepares two eggs and bacon and eats them.

“How delicious,” Ruthie’s dad says.

Ruthie looks at her dad and the eggs and toast. Ruthie doesn’t think the eggs and toast are delicious, she thinks they are disgusting! She wants cake. So she goes to her grandmother. Ruthie looks at her grandmother very sweetly and says, “Grandma, it is my birthday and I want cake for breakfast. Can I please have cake, my favorite grandma?”

Ruthie’s grandmother is short, chubby and very kind. She looks at Ruthie. Ruthie is very nice and sweet. Plus, it’s her birthday! Ruthie’s grandmother can’t say no. 

“Okay, my favorite granddaughter. I will prepare you cake for breakfast.”

Ruthie is very excited. She sits and the table in the dining room and waits for her cake for breakfast.

Ruthie’s grandmother goes to the kitchen. She has a plan. She cooks the cake. She washes fruit to put on the cake. She prepares strawberries and blueberries. Then she cooks pancakes. She puts a pancake on a plate and then she puts cream and fruit on the pancake. Then she puts another pancake and more strawberries, blueberries and cream. Ruthie’s grandmother makes a tower of pancakes, strawberries, blueberries, and cream. The tower of pancakes looks like a cake.

Ruthie’s grandmother walks into the dining room with the “cake” of pancakes. Ruthie is happy because she thinks she is going to eat cake for breakfast. She looks at the tall tower of pancakes and asks, “Grandma, where’s my cake?”

“It is a cake of pancakes!” her grandmother responds.

Ruthie looks at the cake of pancakes, cream, strawberries and blueberries. She thinks it looks like a cake and she eats it. It is delicious.

“Thanks for the cake, grandma!” Ruthie exclaims.

Ruthie’s parents enter the dining room. Ruthie looks at her parents with a huge smile and says, “Look, mom! Look, dad! I am eating cake for breakfast!”

Ruthie’s mom looks at the cake of pancakes. She wants cake for breakfast too. She doesn’t want to eat toast with butter. Ruthie’s dad looks at the tower of pancakes. He also wants cake for breakfast. He doesn’t want to eat eggs with bacon.

Ruthie’s dad looks at his mom (Ruthie’s grandmother) and says, “Mom, I want cake for breakfast. Can I have cake, please?”

“Me too!” Ruthie’s mom says.

“No,” Ruthie’s grandmother says, “it is not your birthday. You should eat eggs, bacon and toast with butter for breakfast. You can eat cake in the afternoon!

The end.

You can also watch a video of this story on YouTube!

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Author: Camilla Given

I'm Camilla! I teach at the high school and college level in a small town in western Colorado. My goal is to teach the world Spanish through stories. I truly believe that stories make learning Spanish easier - and even fun! Feel free to contact me at

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