Present Tense Verbs

Many students struggle with verb conjugations in Spanish and other languages. This page will present a series of videos about how to change verbs in the present tense.

The first video is just about what conjugation is. Check it out!

What is conjugating?

Learn how to change verbs for the regular present tense:

Regular present tense verbs

Practice conjugating regular verbs in the present tense with this practice sheet. Then you can check your answers.

Irregular “yo” verbs

Some verbs have irregular forms. These verbs are just irregular when the subject is “yo” (I). Watch the video above and then practice! Don’t forget to check your answers.

Verbs with stem-changes: o-ue

Some verbs have changes within the root of the verb. The video above will walk you through which subjects do and don’t have this small change. After watching the video see what you learned with this practice sheet. Then check your answers to discover what you still need to work on.

Verbs with stem-changes: e-ie

These verbs make an e-ie change. Practice and check your answers!

Verbs with stem-changes: e-i

There are only a few common verbs with the e-i stem change. Try this short practice then check your answers to see if you understand.

Differences between the two verbs that mean “to be”: ser and estar

Ser and Estar can be pretty tricky to get down, so don’t feel frustrated if you don’t understand it all at first. There are basic differences and more nuanced differences as well. Studies have shown that differentiating between “ser” and “estar” can take years to do without thinking about it. At any rate, practice doesn’t hurt, so see what you understand with this worksheet and then check your answers.

El verbo “IR”

The verb “IR” may be small, but it is mighty. Watch the video to learn more about how “IR” in the present tense can be used to talk about the future and more. Then practice and check your answers.

Basic Grammar Videos

I am not a huge fan of focusing a lot of my in class time and energy on Spanish grammar. However, I do have to cover a lot of the basics in my dual-enrollment Spanish 111-112 course. So, I will be uploading videos here for my students, but feel free to use them for yours as well!

La pronunciación

la pronunciación de las vocales en español
La pronunciación de consonantes especiales en español.

El género de palabras

Gender of nouns in Spanish – Which “the” should I use?

Try practicing which “the” to use with this worksheet: El género de palabras en español (You can check your answers here)

Los artículos indefinidos y los plurales

Indefinite Articles and Plurals

Try practicing which “a” and “some” to use with this link: los artículos indefinidos (You can check your answers here)

Practice making nouns plural with this practice sheet: Palabras plurales (You can check your answers here)

Los pronombres

Subject pronouns

You can practice which pronouns to use with this practice sheet: los pronombres (You can check your answers here)

Los pronombres

La posesión

Showing Possession

The only way to become comfortable with expressing possession in Spanish is through practice. Here are some activities to get you started: La posesión (You can check your answers here)

Los gustos

Expressing likes and dislikes.

Practice expressing likes and dislikes with this free worksheet: Los gustos (You can check your answers here)

Los adverbios


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