Simple Stories in English: Dinosaurs

Season 1, episode 27

Brandon and Julia love dinosaurs. They have a bunch of plastic toy dinosaurs that they play with together. There is only one problem. Julia’s Tyrannosaurus Rex is always eating Brandon’s dinosaurs. Brandon and Julia both know a lot about dinosaurs. Will Brandon be able to find one that Julia’s T-Rex can’t eat?

This simple story is told in the present tense and focuses on the words grabs, eats, growls, carnivore (meat eater), and herbivore (plant eater).


Julia and Brandon play in the yard. They have a ton of plastic dinosaurs. Julia has a tyrannosaurus in her hand. Brandon has a triceratops. Julia’s tyrannosaurus runs after Brandon’s triceratops. 

“I’m hungry! I’m going to eat you!” Julia growls while her tyrannosaurus attacks the triceratops.

“You’re not going to eat me! I’m attacking you with my horns!” Brandon yells in response.

“Ha, ha, ha. Your horns aren’t anything. I have big teeth,” Julia growls in a tyrannosaurus voice.

“Aaaaaaah!” Brandon yells. Julia grabs Brandon’s triceratops and pretends to eat it with the tyrannosaurus.

“Yum, yum. How tasty!” Julia growls.

“It’s my turn to be the tyrannosaurus,” Brandon says.

“No,” Julia responds. “The tyrannosaurus is my favorite dinosaur.”

“But you always play with the tyrannosaurus and you always eat my dinosaurs,” Brandon says.

“Because the tyrannosaurus is a carnivorous dinosaur and it eats other dinosaurs,” Julia responds.

Brandon looks at the plastic dinosaurs. Some dinosaurs are very big. Brandon sees an apatosaurus. The apatosaurus was 20 meters tall and weighed 35 tons. It was an herbivore. It ate leaves from tall trees. It would be very difficult to eat a big dinosaur – especially a dinosaur bigger than the tyrannosaurus.

“You can’t eat my apatosaurus with your tyrannosaurus,” Brandon declares.

“My T-Rex can eat anything,” Julia responds.

“But T-Rex didn’t attack apatosaurus because they are super big!” Brandon explains. 

“I don’t care. My tyrannosaurus is hungry. Yum, yum,” Julia grabs the plastic apatosaurus and pretends to eat it with her plastic tyrannosaurus.

Brandon has an idea. Carnivorous dinosaurs typically ate herbivores. So, Brandon needs to play with a carnivore. Julia’s T-Rex isn’t going to eat another carnivore.

Brandon looks at the plastic dinosaurs. There is one called an allosaur. The plastic allosaur is bigger than the tyrannosaurus rex. The T-Rex and the allosaur were very similar. The allosaur was a little taller. It was 12 meters tall and weighed 2 tons. Brandon decides that Julia can’t attack the allosaur.

“Now I’m a carnivore. I am going to attack the herbivores,” Brandon says. He pretends to eat the herbivore dinosaurs with his allosaur.

“An allosaur! I love to eat allosaur!” Julia growls.

“Don’t eat me! Tyrannosaurus rex didn’t eat allosaurus,” Brandon protests.

“Well, in reality, tyrannosaurus rex and allosaurus ate herbivores and carnivores,” Julia responds.

“But…but my allosaurus is bigger than your T-Rex,” Brandon declares. 

“Allosaurus was taller, but tyrannosaurus was more muscular. T-Rex weighed 7 tons of pure muscle,” Julia explains. Julia’s tyrannosaurus rex attacks Brandon’s allosaurus.

“Aaaaaah!” Brandon yells.

“Yum, yum!” Julia growls. She grabs the allosaurus and pretends to eat it with her tyrannosaurus.

Brandon needs another dinosaur. He needs a dinosaur that is difficult to eat. He sees a dinosaur with plates on its spine. It’s a stegosaurus. Stegosaurus was 3 to 9 meters tall and weighed 2 tons. It was a herbivore and ate plantes. Brandon thinks it would be very difficult to attack a dinosaur like the stegosaurus because of the plates.

Brandon grabs the stegosaurus. His dinosaur walks in the yard. Suddenly, Julia’s tyrannosaurus attacks!

“A stegosaurus!” Julia growls.

“You can’t eat the stegosaurus because it has plates. T-Rex didn’t eat plates,” Brandon says.

“The stegosaurus plates were fore helping the stegosaurus regulate his temperature,” Julia explains, “not for protection. Also, the plates were only on the spine. There isn’t anything on the stomach.”

“Aaaaaaah!” Brandon yells while Julia’s tyrannosaurus attacks his stegosaurus.

“Yum, yum!” Julia growls. She grabs the stegosaurus and pretends to eat it with her tyrannosaurus rex.

Brandon needs a dinosaur with a lot of protections. He sees the perfect dinosaur. It is an ankylosaurus. The ankylosaurus had protection from spikes and plates. Carnivores didn’t want to eat the ankylosaurus because it was a lot of work. In addition to the protection of the spikes and plates, the ankylosaurus was very strong. It was 11 meters long and weighed 4 tons. Brandon thinks that Julia’s tyrannosaurus rex can’t eat the ankylosaurus.

“You can’t eat me now,” Brandon declares. “This ankylosaurus has a lot of protection. It has protection on its back and stomach.”

Julia attacks the ankylosaurus with her T-Rex, but its teeth hit the plates of the ankylosaurus. Brandon hits the T-Rex with the big tail of the ankylosaurus. Julia’s tyrannosaurus rex falls.

“Yum, yum!” Brandon says and he pretends to eat plants with his ankylosaurus.

The End.

You can also watch a video of this story on YouTube!

I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories. I work hard to provide tools and supports for those who want to learn. Please, consider buying me a taco to support my work!

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Simple Stories in English: The Color of the Crow

Season 1, episode 26

Today’s story was originally written by Scott Wyatt.

Why is the raven black? 7-year-old Agapita has created a series of drawings to explain the dark feathers of this intelligent bird who just wanted to get a glimpse of his creator.

This simple story is told in the past tense and focuses on the words “crow”, “drawing”, “creator”, “world”, and the verbs “see/saw”, “made”, and “would be”. 

The Color of the Crow

A mother was sitting at the kitchen table with her two daughters. Her older daughter was called Agapita and she was 7 years old. Agapita was drawing. Her younger daughter’s name was Manzanita and she was 5 years old. Manzanita was eating.

“What are you drawing?” The mother asked her daughter. Agapita moved several papers with drawings to the center of the table. Her mother looked at the drawings curiously.

“I am making a story of the birds,” Agapita responded. She took one of the papers. “This is the first drawing. It is the beginning of the story of the birds.”

On the paper there was a drawing of three birds. All the three birds were white, but it was obvious that they were different kinds of birds.

“Tell me the story,” the mother said. She really wanted to hear the story from her creative child. She wanted to know about the birds. Agapita began.

“Once upon a time there were three kinds of birds on the Earth: the dove, the seagull, and the crow. In the beginning, all the birds were white. They didn’t have any color.

Agapita indicated the three birds on her first drawing. Then she moved the paper with the first drawing aside and revealed other drawings to continue her story.

The doves were full of love. They were white due to their love, because love is pure. They were only concerned about love. They spent all their time in the tree because their love was enough.

The seagulls were white at the beginning because all the birds were white. But the seagulls had a problem. They were lazy. They didn’t want to work. They started to eat things that they could steal, like garbage. Because of that, their color changed. They received gray wings and black tails.

The crows were very intelligent. They were white because intelligence is bright. But the crow was curious. He wanted to learn about the world. He wanted to know who made the world. So the crow spoke to the trees.

“Trees, who planted you?”

“We don’t know,” the trees responded. The crow was not satisfied with the answer, so he spoke to everyone.

“Animals, who gave you life?”

“We don’t know,” the animals responded.

“Ocean, who filled you with water?”

“We don’t know,” the ocean responded.

“Sun, who put you in the sky?”

“I don’t know,” the sun responded. “But I move through the sky and I see a lot. I see flowers in the fields and trees in the forest. I see animals leave their homes in the morning with their babies. I see the vast ocean. I don’t know who made all this because I see everything and I don’t see the creator of the world. I think the creator made the world in the night. You should talk to the moon.”

The crow decided to talk to the moon. If the sun didn’t see the creator during the day, maybe the moon saw the creator during the night.

“Moon, who created the world?”

“I don’t know, little crow,” the moon responded. “Like the sun, I move through the sky and I see a lot, but I never saw the creator of the world. I think that he works in complete darkness.”

The crow made a plan. He decided to wait until night to discover the creator of the world. He waited night after night, but he didn’t see anything. However, in the morning the crow saw new creations.

The crow decided that the creator could create the world in secret because it was easy to see the crow due to its white color. The color of the crow was pure and bright like snow on a mountain. So the crow made a fire and used the ashes of the fire to change the color of its feathers. The black ash changed the color of his feathers from white to black, so the crow could be invisible to the creator.

But the crow made a mistake. His fire was visible to the humans. The humans took the fire. They used the fire to take control of the world and dominate all life on the planet. Because of that, the creator became furious. The creator appeared to the humans to learn where they got the fire.

“Humans, who gave you fire?” The creator asked.

“We took the fire from the crow,” the humans responded.

The creator saw that the crow used the ashes of the fire to change its color from white to black. The creator decided to change the color of all the crows to black forever.

The crow never saw the creator and now he can’t see the creator because the creator always sees the crow first. The creator can see the crow easily because it is black. The creator created other birds, but he gave them colors like red and blue.

The crow is intelligent, but it is not enough to be intelligent. It is important to follow the wishes of the creator.

Agapita finished her story. She saw her drawings. She took a color pencil and drew more flowers on the paper with the sun. Agapita’s mom was impressed by the story, but she had a question.

“Why can the creator see the crow when he is black? Wouldn’t a brighter color be better?”

Agapita considered the question before answering. “The creator existed before the colores and before light, so he can see the color black better than the others. The creator made the colors of the rainbow, but he existed before the sun, so the color black is natural. It is the oldest color of all.

“What color would you paint yourself?” Her mother asked.

“Blue, like the sky. But I would prefer not to have color,” Agapita responded decisively.

“And what color would you paint your sister Manzanita?” Her mother asked.

“Manzanita would be red like an apple, obviously,” Agapita responded.

“And me? What color would you paint me?” Her mother asked.

“You, mom, would be all the colors, like a party,” Agapita responded lovingly.

The end.

You can also watch a video of this story on YouTube!

I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories. I work hard to provide tools and supports for those who want to learn. Please, consider buying me a taco to support my work!

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Simple Stories in English: Monarch Butterflies

Season 1, episode 25

Hello and welcome to Simple Stories in English. Hannah is a curious girl. When a butterfly lands in her back yard, she wants to learn all about it. After visiting the library, she learns that these butterflies are special and that they fly all the way to Mexico from Canada. What else will she learn about the monarch butterfly?

Monarch Butterflies 

There is a girl named Hannah. Hannah lives in the state of Texas in the southern United States. Hannah is a curious child. She likes to learn. Hannah’s mother is Ericka. Ericka is very patient. She listens to all of Hannah’s questions. When she can answer the question, she answers it. When Ericka doesn’t know the answer to Hannah’s question, she reads books with Hannah to find the answers. 

Right now, Hannah is very interested in insects. She spends hours in the yard watching the small insects. She watches ants that walk in a line. She watches bees that collect pollen from flowers. She watches crickets that jump through the yard. She watches mosquitos that bite and suck blood.

One day Hannah is in the yard. Suddenly, an incredible insect lands on a flower. Hannah knows it is an insect because it has six legs, its body has three parts and there are two antenna on its head. This insect also has two pretty wings. Its wings have many colors. Hannah is fascinated. She wants to know more about this pretty insect. Ericka is working in the yard, so Hannah yells to her mom, “Mom! Come here!”

Ericka walks to Hannah and looks at the insect. “Mom, what is this insect called?” Hannah asks.

“It’s a butterfly,” Ericka responds.

“What do butterflies eat? Where do they live? How many species are there?” Hannah asks.

“I don’t know. Should we go to the library?” Ericka responds.

“Yes!” Hannah exclaims. Hannah likes the library a lot. The library has books with information about everything. Ericka and Hannah go to the public library. When they arrive at the library, they talk to the librarian. 

“Good morning. Welcome to the library. Can I help you with something?” She says.

“Yes. I would like books about butterflies,” Hannah responds.

The librarian guides Hannah and Ericka to a particular section of the library. “We have several books on insects with information about butterflies, we have a book about the varieties of butterflies, and we have a book about the great migration of monarch butterflies.” The librarian takes the books and hands them to Hannah.

“There is a butterfly migration?” Hannah asks the librarian. 

“Yes, and the migration passes through Texas. Here in the library garden we plant flowers for the monarch butterflies. The butterflies drink the nectar from the flowers,” the librarian responds.

Hannah and Ericka go home with the books from the library. Hannah reads everything about butterflies. She learns that there are 24,000 species of butterflies in the world.

Hannah opens the book about the monarch butterfly migration. The monarch butterfly is a pretty butterfly with orange and black wings. Hannah learns that the monarch butterflies live in Mexico, the United States, and Canada. She reads that every year there is a great migration of butterflies from Canada to Mexico. There is a map of the migration. In the map, Hannah sees that the monarch butterflies pass through Texas on their migration.

Hannah keeps reading and learns more. She learns that there are several generations of butterflies. The first generation is born in Mexico and flies north. This generation stops in states like Texas to lay their eggs. The second generation of butterflies is born in Texas and other states and flies further north. The third generation or the fourth generation fly south to Mexico to hibernate. The butterflies that fly to Mexico sometimes are bigger than normal monarch butterflies.

Hannah keeps reading and learns that there is a problem. Climate change is affecting the monarch butterfly migration. There are groups that work to protect butterfly habitat to make more flower fields, especially milkweed. Milkweed is important because monarch butterflies lay their eggs in milkweed.

Hannah is fascinated. She wants to help the monarch butterflies. She explains to her mom that she wants to help the butterflies and Ericka makes a plan.

Ericka and Hannah make a special space in their yard. In the space, they plant milkweed. Every day Hannah checks the milkweed. She wants to see the monarch butterflies!

One day, Hannah goes outside to check the milkweed and she sees a monarch butterfly. Then she sees another butterfly, and another. They are very pretty! When the monarch butterflies leave, there are little eggs on the milkweed. Every day Hannah checks on the eggs. She doesn’t want another insect to eat the eggs.

Finally, little caterpillars leave the eggs. The caterpillars eat the milkweed. In only two weeks, the caterpillars are very big. Hannah likes the colors of the monarch caterpillars. They have stripes of yellow, black and white.

One day, Hannah checks on the caterpillars, but she doesn’t see any. Instead of caterpillars, she sees green sacks on the milkweed. She is worried and yells for her mom.

“Don’t worry, Hannah. The caterpillars make a cocoon. In the cocoon they change from caterpillars to butterflies,” Ericka explains.

Hannah checks the cocoons every day. After ten days of waiting, there is movement. A cocoon moves. Hannah sits in front of the cocoon. Little by little the cocoon opens and the wings of the monarch butterfly emerge. The monarch butterfly moves its wings and sun bathes. After a time, it flies north and the cycle continues.

Every year Hannah produces milkweed and flowers in her yard to help the monarch butterflies and every year Hannah – and Ericka – are fascinated by the transformation of these incredible insects.

The End.

You can also watch a video of this story on YouTube!

I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories. I work hard to provide tools and supports for those who want to learn. Please, consider buying me a taco to support my work!

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Simple Stories in English: Dayana’s Wool

Season 1, episode 24

Dayana the alpaca is surprised to learn that her wooly coat is going to be sheared. She loves her wool, so she runs away. While she is away, she meets a graceful vicuña, an overgrown sheep, and a sheared llama. Dayana learns that it might not be so bad to have her coat cut after all.

Dayana’s Wool

Dayana is a young alpaca. She lives on a ranch in Peru with a lot of alpacas. Dayana has pretty, soft wool. Dayana’s wool is incredible. Dayana likes her wool. She thinks it is very pretty.

One day all the alpacas go to a special area of the ranch. This area is new to Dayana. She is worried and nervous. She talks to the other alpacas.

“What is going on? Where are we?” Dayana asks one of the older alpacas.

“We are in a special corral. They are going to cut our wool,” the alpaca responds.

“They’re going to cut our wool?! Why?” Dayana is very surprised.

“Don’t worry. They cut our wool every year,” the alpaca says.

“Well, they are not going to cut my wool,” Dayana exclaims. Dayana doesn’t understand. Why do they want to cut the wool off the alpacas? Dayana doesn’t want them to cut her wool. She doesn’t want to be naked. She wants to have pretty wool on her body.

“But it is necessary to cut our wool. In the summer it is very hot and…”

“I don’t care,” Dayana interrupts. “They are not going to cut my wool!”

Dayana decides to fun away. She runs away from the ranch. She runs away from the old alpaca. She runs away from the people that want to cut her wool. Dayana runs away to the mountains. “They can’t cut my wool here in the mountains,” Dayana thinks.

Dayana climbs the tall mountains of the Andes. In the mountains, Dayana sees some vicuñas. Vicuñas are small and delicate. They are very pretty and elegant. Their wool is incredibly soft. The vicuñas look at Dayana and they are confused. Alpacas are domesticated animals. They live on ranches, they don’t live in the mountains. Why is this alpaca in the mountains?

“Hello, little alpaca!” A vicuña exclaims.

“Hello, mis vicuña,” Dayana responds.

“What are you doing here, little alpaca? Don’t you live on a ranch?” The vicuña continues.

“I escaped from the ranch. They want to cut my wool. I don’t want them to cut my wool. I want to live here in the mountains where they don’t cut wool off of animals,” Dayana says.

Suddenly, a group of Peruvians appears. The Peruvians have a decorated rope. With the rope, they walk near the vicuñas.

“What’s going on?” Dayana asks. She is worried and nervous.

“It is a special event. It is called the Chaccu,” the vicuña responds. “Every year, the Peruvians carry out the ritual of Chaccu. They trap the vicuñas and cut our wool.”

“They’re going to cut your wool?!” Dayana says. She is very surprised that they cut the vicuña’s wool in the mountains. Vicuñas are not domesticated animals like alpacas.

“Don’t worry. They cut our wool every year. It isn’t bad. The people that cut our wool are good and loving. The process is quick and…”

“I don’t care,” Dayana interrupts. “They are not going to cut my wool!”

Dayana runs away. She runs away from the vicuñas. She runs away from the Peruvians and their decorated rope. She runs until she can’t run any more.

Dayana is tired. She sees a cave. She enters the cave and sits. “They can’t cut my wool here in this cave,” Dayana thinks. Suddenly, she hears a sound. Dayana is worried and nervous.

“Hello?” Dayana asks de cave.

“Baaaaa,” an animal responds.

“Hello, my name is Dayana and I’m an alpaca,” Dayana says.

“Baaa. You are not going to cut my wool!” The animal responds.

“I don’t want to cut your wool!” Dayana exclaims. “I am here because they wanted to cut my wool and I escaped from the ranch.

The animal walks into the light. It is a sheep. The sheep has a lot of wool. The sheep has so much wool that it is practically impossible to see her head. Dayana is surprised by the sheep’s appearance.

“You are a smart alpaca,” the sheep says. “They are not going to cut our wool!”

Dayana is a little scared by the sheep. The sheep’s wool is huge and very heavy. It is obvious that it is difficult to move because she has a lot of wool. It is obvious that it is difficult to see through all the wool. Dayana doesn’t want to be in the cave with the sheep.

“They are not going to cut our wool!” The sheep yells. “Wool, wool, wool” echoes in the cave. Dayana is scared. She gets up and runs. She runs away from the cave and the crazy sheep.

In the morning, Dayana sees a town. In the town there is a llama. Dayana thinks that the llama looks different. When she is near the llama, Dayana notices that the llama doesn’t have wool.

“Miss llama, where is your wool?” Dayana asks worriedly.

“Don’t worry, little alpaca. I don’t want my wool,” the llama responds.

“You don’t want your wool? How is that possible? I love my wool,” Dayana says.

“It is hot in the summer. I don’t want to have wool in the heat of summer. In addition, my wool is useful. People make incredible things with my wool,” the llama responds.

“But your wool is very pretty,” Dayana says.

“Yes, my wool is very pretty. And with my pretty wool people make pretty things. Come with me,” the llama says and starts walking in the market.

Dayana observes the market. There are yarns of several colors. Some people use the yarns to knit sweaters. Other people use the yarn to make crochet hats. One woman sews a small alpaca with alpaca wool. The things are very pretty.

“The wool objects are very pretty. But, I love my wool. I don’t want them to cut my wool,” Dayana says.

“Little alpaca, your wool grows and grows. Cutting your wool is necessary. If you don’t cut your wool, it is going to be very heavy and you will be very warm,” the llama says.

Dayana thinks about the crazy sheep in the cave. She doesn’t want to be like her. The llama is right. Cutting the alpaca’s wool is necessary.

Dayana returns to her ranch. The ranchers cut her wool. They make yarn with her wool. They sell the yarn to a woman who knits a hat and scarf. Dayana is happy that her yarn makes pretty objects and in a year, she has more wool. This time, she is not worried and nervous when they go to the special corral. This time she wants them to cut her wool.

The end.

You can also watch a video of this story on YouTube!

I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories. I work hard to provide tools and supports for those who want to learn. Please, consider buying me a taco to support my work!

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Simple Stories in English: Let’s Go Fishing

Season 1, episode 23

Jayden, Charley and Theo love fishing with their mom. One Saturday they grab their fishing poles and head to the lake. Find out what they catch in today’s story, “Let’s Go Fishing.”

Let’s Go Fishing

It is Saturday. Jayden and his brothers Charley and Theo want to go fishing. They like fishing a lot and Saturdays are perfect for fishing. The three boys enter the kitchen where their mom prepares breakfast.

“Mom, we want to go fishing,” Jayden tells his mom. “Can we go to the lake?”

“What a good idea!” Their mom responds. “But first you need to eat your breakfast.”

Jayden, Charley, and Theo eat toast with eggs and sausage. Then they help their mom prepare for the day. They put sandwiches and apples in a bag. They find the fishing poles and put them in the car. The three brothers are excited for their fishing trip, but there is a problem. They don’t have bait. They need bait because the bait attracts the fish. The fish eat the bait, but the bait is on a hook. When the fish eats the bait, he also eats the hook and gets trapped.

“Mom, we don’t have bait,” Charley announces. “Can we go to the fishing store?”

“Okay, but we should go now,” his mom responds.

The three brothers and their mom get into the car and go to the fishing store. The fishing store has a lot of things for fishermen. It has fishing poles in many sizes. Some poles are very long for fishing in rivers. Other fishing poles are small because they are for kids.

The fishing poles have a reel and they need fishing line and a hook. The hook traps the fish. The fishing line connects the hook to a reel on the fishing pole. The fisherman winds the reel to catch the fish. There are several types of fishing line and hooks. If you want to trap big fish, you need stronger line and a big hook. To fish in a lake, you just need a normal line and hook.

The fishing store has clothing too. Some fishermen use special clothing for fishing. There are hats and pants and vests.

But the brothers are not interested in fishing poles, line, hooks, or clothing. They want bait. The fishing store has a variety of bait. There is natural bait and artificial bait. The artificial bait is small plastic fish or flies. The most popular natural bait is worms. Worms are long. They don’t have eyes and they are slimy. The boys think that worms are excellent. 

“Mom, we found the worms!” Theo announces. “Can we buy them?”

“Yes. The worms are perfect bait,” their mom responds.

The family buys a container of worms. Then they go to the lake. They have three options. They can fish on the shore of the lake, they can fish from the dock, or they can rent a boat and fish in the center of the lake. 

Jayden wants to fish from the shore. Charley wants to fish from the dock. Theo wants to fish from a boat.

The family decides to go to the lakeshore because it costs money to rent a boat and there are a lot of people on the dock. They walk to a little beach. The three boys prepare their fishing poles. Jayden grabs a worm from the container. He puts the worm on the hook of his fishing pole. When everything is ready, he throws the bait in the water. He is carful because he doesn’t want to trap one of his brothers or his mom with the hook.

Theo wants to fish too. He grabs a worm from the container, baits his hook, and tosses the hook into the lake. Charley also wants to fish, but he doesn’t want to touch the worms because they are slimy.

“Mom, can you help me with the bait, please?” Charley asks. His mom doesn’t want to touch the worms either. Their mom doesn’t like slimy things like worms. But, she wants to help Charley, so she grabs a worm from the container and puts it on the hook. Charley tosses the hook into the water.

The boys fish and their mom reads a book on the lakeshore. Nothing happens for many minutes. It is very calm and they listen to the sound of water on the shore. Suddenly, Jayden shouts, “I have something!” 

Jayden is very excited and winds the reel. He pulls the fishing line with his fishing pole and he sees the object trapped on the hook. It is not a fish – it is a boot! Jayden is very upset. Suddenly, Charley shouts.

“I have something!” Charley yells. He pulls the line and winds the reel of his fishing pole. When he sees the object trapped by the hook, he is upset. It is not a fish, it is algae – a plant from the lake.

Jayden and Charley take the boot and algae off their hooks when Theo shouts.

“I have something!” Theo’s line moves quickly, but Theo doesn’t do anything. He is about to lose the line from his fishing pole.

“Theo, wind the reel!” His mom yells. Theo reacts and pulls the line. He quickly winds the reel. The fish is strong and fights against Theo. Theo is about to lose the fish when Charley grabs Theo’s fishing pole to help. The two brothers pull.

The strong fish fights. The brothers are about to lose the fish when Jayden grabs Theo’s fishing pole to help. The three brothers pull. Theo winds the reel. Little by little they move the fish closer to the lakeshore.

Finally they see the fish. It is a beautiful, big, strong fish. The mom grabs a net. She gets in the water to trap the fish with the net. The three brothers pull and the mom traps the fish with the net. She lifts the fish out of the water with the net. The fish is a beautiful trout. It is green, blue and red. The fish is big; it measures 80 centimeters.

The three brothers are very proud of their fish. It was a family effort to capture the fish. The mom takes a picture of Jayden, Charley, and Theo with their fish. They are all exhausted by the fight with the strong fish, but they are happy too.

The end.

You can also watch a video of this story on YouTube!

I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories. I work hard to provide tools and supports for those who want to learn. Please, consider buying me a taco to support my work!

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Simple Stories in English: See You Later!

Season 1, episode 22

It is the end of the school year for Imani and many others. She shouts “See you later!” to those she meets in the hallway. But what about her friends and others who won’t be back in the fall? Will she have to say goodbye? This simple story is told in the present tense and focuses on the words “says”, “responds”, “likes”, “goes”, and “goodbye”. 

See You Later!

It is the end of May and for Imani Reyes it is the end of school. Imani goes to high school. Her school is called Lincoln High. Imani walks in the school. She sees a lot of classmates. Not all the students in the school are her friends, so she isn’t going to talk to them during vacation. But Imani is a nice girl. She sees her classmates and says, “See you later!”

“See you later, Imani!” her classmates respond. Everyone is very excited that it is summer and they don’t have more school. They don’t have more exams or projects. It is the end! All the students smile when they say see you later.

Imani goes to the music room. Imani plays the trumpet in the band. She plays very well. Imani likes band class a lot. She likes the concerts and she likes to play at the football games.

Imani enters the music room. The band teacher is named Ms. Richardson. She is Imani’s favorite teacher. Ms. Richardson gives Imani music to practice during vacation.

“Thank you, Ms. Richardson,” Imani says with a smile. “See you later!”

“See you in September, Imani!” Ms. Richardson responds.

Then another student enters the music room. It is one of her bandmates. His name is Jacob. He plays the tuba. Jacob is graduating. Jacob passes his instrument and music to Ms. Richardson. She smiles, but it is a little sad.

“Goodbye, Ms. Richardson,” Jacob tells her.

“Good luck in the future, Jacob,” Ms. Richardson responds.

Then Imani goes to the library. She needs to return some books. The librarian looks at Imani when she enters. The librarian is very kind and smiles at Imani.

“Hello, Imani, how are you?” she asks.

“I’m well, thank you. I need to return some books,” Imani responds. Imana passes three books to the librarian. “See you later!”

“See you later, Imani!” the librarian says.

Then a student enters the library. Her name is Caris. Caris reads a lot of books and is always in the library. Caris is graduating. It is her last day in the library. Caris passes a book to the librarian. She seems really sad and says, “goodbye.”

“Good luck, Caris,” the librarian responds sadly.

After the library, Imani goes to social studies class. The teacher in the class is Mr. Anderson. Mr. Anderson is physically big and intimidating, but he has an excellent personality. He is caring and very patient. Imani likes Mr. Anderson a lot, even though she doesn’t always like social studies. In class, the teacher announces that he is not going to be at Lincoln High next year. Mr. Anderson and his family are moving to a different city to be closer to family.

Imani is sad. She doesn’t want to say goodbye to Mr. Anderson because he is an excellent teacher. When class ends, Imani goes to Mr. Anderson.

“Goodbye, Mr. Anderson,” Imani says in a small voice.

“Take care, Imani,” Mr. Anderson responds with a sad smile.

After social studies class, Imani goes to the cafeteria. In the cafeteria Imani sits with her friends. Some of her friends are finishing school and graduating. Imani realizes that it is her last lunch with those friends.

Imani thinks about all her friends and other classmates that are graduating. She thinks about Mr. Anderson and other teachers that are leaving to other schools or other jobs. Now Imani is sad.

“Imani, what’s wrong?” her friend Birdie asks.

“I’m sad Birdie,” Imani responds. “I don’t like to say goodbye.”

“So, don’t say goodbye,” Birdie says. “There are a lot of other options. You can say see you soon, take care, good luck, or my favorite, see you later!”

Imani smiles at her friend, but she is still sad. “I can’t say ‘see you later’ or ‘see you soon’ because I’m not going to see them.”

Birdie smiles too.

“That’s life, friend. People come and people go. You are also going to leave school one day. But you can always ‘see’ everyone in photos,” Birdie touches Imani’s cell phone, “and in your memories,” Birdie touches Imani’s head.

Imani listens to Birdie. She is right: saying goodbye is part of life. It’s sad, but it can also be happy. People are going on a new adventure.

After school, Imani looks at her friends that are graduation. She looks at Mr. Anderson. “See you later!” Imani yells.

The end.

You can also watch a video of this story on YouTube!

I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories. I work hard to provide tools and supports for those who want to learn. Please, consider buying me a taco to support my work!

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Simple Stories in English: Little Victoria

Season 1, episode 21

Victoria is feeling nervous and scared about leaving her small town and going to university in a big city. Her friend Piper doesn’t seem scared at all. Victoria learns that some of Piper’s confidence comes from her success in a martial arts class. Victoria decides to give it a try and she learns that small girls like her can be fierce opponents.


There is a young woman named Victoria. Victoria is not a big girl. She is very short and very thin. Victoria is 18 years old. She is preparing to go to college. Victoria is excited to go to college, but she is also nervous.

Victoria is nervous in part because the university is in a big city. Victoria is from a small town. She is not used to a lot of people. Also, Victoria is not ignorant. She knows that there are bad people. There are people that want to hurt small young women like her.

Victoria has a friend named Piper. Piper is also going to college, but she is not nervous. Piper has a lot of confidence. Victoria does not have confidence, she is scared. She is scared to walk alone around the university. She is scared to go to a big city. She is scared because she thinks she is small and weak. Victoria doesn’t want to be scared, she wants Piper’s confidence. One day Victoria decides to talk with Piper. 

“Piper, you have a lot of confidence in yourself. How do you have so much confidence?” Victoria asks Piper.

“I didn’t always have confidence in myself,” Piper responds. “In the past, I didn’t have confidence. I was scared of everything. My mom has a friend named Kayla. She is a martial arts instructor. My mom decided to enroll in Kayla’s classes. Now I train in martial arts and I have a lot of confidence in my abilities.

“Is there space in your class?” Victoria wants to learn more about martial arts.

“Yes. I have a class tomorrow after school. Do you want to go with me?” Piper asks Victoria. 

“Of course!” Victoria responds. She is excited, but also a little nervous. She is very small and is worried that she is not going to do well in the class. 

The next day after school, Piper and Victoria go to the martial arts class. Victoria meets Kayla and is impressed. Kayla is not weak, she is strong.

Victoria sees a demonstration by Piper and another student. The student grabs Piper’s wrist. Piper responds by kicking and hitting the student. The student grabs Piper’s back. Piper uses her body’s leverage to throw the student to the ground. Later Piper sits on the student and wraps her legs around the student’s legs. Piper’s opponent can’t move. 

Victoria is very impressed. Piper is not as small as Victoria, but she is not a big girl. Victoria wants to learn to defend herself like Piper. Victoria thinks that knowing how to defend herself is going to help her confidence.

Victoria enrolls in a basic class with the instructor Kayla. Kayla is very patient and kind. But the classes are also intense and strict. Victoria focuses and learns a lot. She listens to Kayla’s instructions. First, Victoria learns movements.

“Punch!” Kayla instructs and Victoria punches the air.

“Kick!” Kayla instructs and Victoria kicks the air.

“Roll to the right!” Kayla instructs and Victoria falls to the ground, rolls to the right, and stands up quickly.

“Roll to the left!” Kayla instructs and Victoria falls to the ground, rolls to the left, and stands up quickly.

After training for some days, Victoria is ready for contact. She is nervous because she is very small and other students in the class are big. Victoria still doesn’t have confidence in herself.

The class divides in pairs. Victoria is smaller than her opponent and she is nervous. She listens to Kayla’s instructions and trusts her instructor.

“Victoria, you don’t need to be nervous. You are strong. It is not necessary to be big to be strong,” Kayla says. “Now, grab your opponent.”

Victoria grabs her companion’s torso. If she grabs her partner, he can’t hit her. Her opponent uses his body’s leverage to throw Victoria to the ground. Victoria is scared. What can she do now?

“Victoria, grab your opponent with your legs and arms,” Kayla instructs. Victoria follows the instructions and grabs her opponent with her legs and arms.

“Good job, Victoria. Now, roll to the left.” Kayla continues with her instructions. Victoria tries to roll to the left, but it is difficult. She breathes and uses her body’s leverage and rolls to the left. Now Victoria is sitting on top of her opponent. Victoria is surprised and excited.

“Excellent!”Kayla says to Victoria. Then Victoria and her opponent stand up and repeat the practice.

When Victoria trains she feels very happy. She feels strong and confident. Victoria is small, but fierce. She learns when and where to kick an opponent. She learns to roll to escape problems and she learns to roll as an attack. She learns to use her body’s leverage more than her muscles. She learns to grab with her hands, arms, and legs. 

In her martial arts class with Kayla, she trains with big people. One day when the class divides into pairs, Victoria is with the biggest student in the class. For a moment, Victoria is scared.

Victoria punches, kicks, grabs, and rolls. She uses her body leverage and in a short amount of time, Victoria has immobilized her opponent.

Victoria is very happy. She is not weak now, she is very strong. Now she is not scared to go to the city. She is not scared to go to college. She is still not an ignorant person. She knows that there are bad people in the world. But now, Victoria has more confidence in herself because she believes that she can defend herself. She is grateful for Kayla and her martial arts class for this small victory in her life.

The end.

You can also watch a video of this story on YouTube!

I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories. I work hard to provide tools and supports for those who want to learn. Please, consider buying me a taco to support my work!

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Simple Stories in English: The Great Ronaldo

Season 1, episode 20

Ronaldo comes from a family obsessed with football (or soccer), so it is no surprise that he wants to be a famous football star like his “tocayo”, or namesake, Cristiano Ronaldo. But Ronaldo only wants to play front and center, hogging the ball and making all the goals. He needs to learn the importance of each position to truly become a great player. 


Ronaldo has a dream: he wants to be a professional soccer player. He loves soccer. He loves the emotion of the game. He loves the technicality of the players. Ronaldo is obsessed with soccer.

Ronaldo’s whole family is obsessed with soccer, especially his mom, Alexandra. Alexandra met her husband, Ronaldo’s dad, at a soccer game. They were playing soccer at college with a group of friends. Alexandra kicked the ball at the same time as a tall, handsome man. The impact hurt her foot.

The tall, handsome man helped Alexandra to a bench in the park where they were playing. Then he looked for ice for her hurt foot. The man sat on the bench with Alexandra and they talked for a long time. The handsome man was named Fabio. Back then, Fabio Cannavaro was Alexandra’s favorite soccer player and she thought that it was “divine intervention” meeting a man named Fabio. Fabio invited Alexandra to eat and the rest is history. Alexandra says that it was “Love at first kick.”

Alexandra and Fabio got married and had three kids. Each kid was named after a famous soccer player: Lionel, for Lionel Messi; Marta, for Marta Vieira da Silva; and Ronaldo, for Cristiano Ronaldo.

Ronaldo has posters of his namesake, Cristiano Ronaldo, in his bedroom. Cristiano Ronaldo is his idol. Ronaldo wants to be a professional soccer player like his namesake. He wants to play the position of forward like his namesake. The forward is in the position of attacking the rival team. The forward typically makes the goals. Goals get all the glory of the game.

There are only two forwards on a team. There are other positions too. There are four midfielders. Being a midfielder isn’t so bad. You have a lot of freedom and you can get goals. Defense is not Ronald’s favorite position because you don’t have the opportunity to get a goal. The four defenders are very important because they protect the goal. There is a goalie on a soccer team. The goalie has a very stressful position. The goalie needs to block the goals. The goalie is also the only position that can use their hands in soccer.

Ronaldo doesn’t want to play in the position of midfielder or defense. He especially doesn’t want the position of goalie. He wants to be a forward. He wants to score goals like his idol.

Ronaldo goes to soccer practice with his team. They have a game on Thursday. In the practice, Ronaldo does very well. He is going to start the game as a forward. Ronaldo is excited. He believes that it is his opportunity to score a lot of goals and show the world that he is a professional soccer player. 

In the game, Ronaldo steals the ball in each opportunity. He doesn’t pass the ball to the other forward. He doesn’t pass the ball to the midfielders. Ronaldo wants to control the ball and score goals. But it is impossible. The rival team sees that Ronaldo doesn’t pass the ball. When Ronaldo has the ball, all the midfielders and defenders of the rival team run to Ronaldo to steal the ball.

The rival team wins the game with a score of two to zero. Ronaldo’s team loses the game. Ronaldo didn’t even score one goal. He is very frustrated. But Ronaldo’s team is more than frustrated. They are angry with Ronaldo because he doesn’t play well with the team. 

For the next game, the coach moves Ronaldo to the position of defense. Ronaldo is not happy. He doesn’t want to play defense. Defenders don’t score goals. Ronaldo is angry during the game. He is violent with the players on the rival team. In one moment, he pushes one of the forwards on the rival team. The referee sees and gives Ronaldo a yellow card for his bad sportsmanship. Ronaldo is furious and yells at the referee. The referee gives him a red card and Ronaldo leaves the game. He sits on the bench and only watches the rest of the game.

The rival team wins the game with a score of three to one. Ronaldo’s team loses the game. Ronaldo is angry and yells at the goalie. He thinks that the goalie didn’t do a good job because he didn’t block the goals. The coach sees Ronaldo and makes a plan.

The coach decides that Ronaldo can play the position of goalie at practice. Ronaldo thinks that it is not very difficult to be a goalie because you have the 4 defenders to help you. It is more difficult to be a forward and score goals. Ronaldo puts on the gloves and walks to his position in the goal.

After only five minutes as goalie, Ronaldo wants to change positions and teams. When he goes home, he is very angry. Alexandra notices that his son is upset and talks with him.

“What’s wrong, dear?” Alexandra asks.

“It’s just, the coach is putting me in as the goalie. I am not a goalie, I am a forward. I don’t block goals, I score goals.”

“Son, soccer is a game of attack and defense. You need to play attack and defense to have a good team. You need to understand all the positions to be a good player and to be a good teammate. You play very well, but with a good team, you can play better.”

“But I want to be a forward like my namesake, Cristiano Ronaldo.”

“Do you think the great Cristiano Ronaldo always played forward? He had to play as defense and midfielder also. He had to trust his team.”

Ronaldo thinks about his mom’s words. She is right. The great players understand all aspects of the game. They trust their teams. Ronaldo goes to practice with a new attitude. He passes the ball to his companions. He is positive and plays any position.

In the next game, he is a midfielder. He helps with attacks and helps with defense. It is an exciting game with a score of one to one. Ronaldo gets the ball. He runs in the field towards the rival goal. One of the forwards is in the perfect position. Ronaldo kicks the ball. The ball flies through the air. The forward hits the ball with his head and scores a goal! Ronaldo is very happy. He didn’t get the glory of the goal, but he is happy because he helped his team.

The end.

You can also watch a video of this story on YouTube!

I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories. I work hard to provide tools and supports for those who want to learn. Please, consider buying me a taco to support my work!

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Simple Stories in English: Miguel’s Music

Season 1, episode 19

Today’s story connects to episode 9. Perhaps you will remember “Miguel’s Little Lie”. Miguel wanted to go to a rock concert with his friend Wes, but, due to his lying, ended up going to a classical music concert with his mom and sister. Little did he know how much that concert would change his life. He thought rock music was the only sound worth listening to, but after hearing violins, flutes, trumpets, and tubas, he has a new appreciation for instruments. I hope you enjoy “Miguel’s Music.”


The End.

You can also watch a video of this story on YouTube!

I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories. I work hard to provide tools and supports for those who want to learn and I like to keep it ad free. Please, consider buying me a taco to support my work!

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Simple Stories in English: A Winter Story

Season 1, episode 18

Luisa loves winter. She likes the cold because it means snow and ice. She skates on the ice and plays in the snow. There is only one problem: it hasn’t snowed yet!

This simple story is told in the present tense and focuses on the words “snow”, “ice”, “cold”, “snowflake”, and “frost”.

The End.

You can also watch a video of this story on YouTube!

I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories. I work hard to provide tools and supports for those who want to learn and I like to keep it ad free. Please, consider buying me a taco to support my work!

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