Simple Stories in English: The Car Accident

Season 1, episode 30

Luis just wants to dance the night away, but a car accident lands him in the emergency room with his date. Now, instead of salsa, he must deal with x-rays, stitches and a cast. What fun!

This simple story is told in the present tense and focuses on the words “crash”, “hurts/pains”, “neck”, “leg”, “arm”, “cast” and “neck brace”.

The Car Accident

Luis is a big, strong man. He is friendly and funny too. Luis has a lot of friends. He is especially popular with women because he is very handsome and he can dance. Luis dances the salsa and the tango. 

Luis uses the Tinder app to look for friendly, pretty women. One day Luis sees the photo of an especially fantastic woman. She is called Angela. Angela is tall and chubby. She is funny and friendly like Luis and she also has a lot of friends.

Luis makes a date with Angela. They go to a restaurant. In the restaurant Luis talks about work. He had a good day at work. Angela listens and cuts her steak. Angela is bored because Luis talks and talks and he doesn’t ask Angela any questions. She simply listens to Luis’s fantastic day. Angela wants to go home, but after eating Luis invites her to dance. Angela likes dancing a lot and she decides to give Luis another chance.

Angela and Luis go to a club in Luis’s car. Angela is very happy because she read on Tinder that Luis dances very well. They enter the club and Luis dances. He is incredible! Luis dances very well. But, Luis dances in a big group with a lot of women and men. He doesn’t dance with Angela. Angela is mad at Luis. She walks to Luis and says, “I want to go home.”

“What’s wrong?” Luis responds, confused.

“I want to go home,” Angela repeats.

Luis walks to his car with Angela. In the car, Angela puts on her seatbelt. Luis doesn’t put on his seatbelt. Luis starts the car and goes very fast through the streets of the city. He passes a park. There are some very pretty women in the park. Luis is distracted. He doesn’t see the road because he is looking at the pretty women. Angela looks at the road and she sees a small child. The small child runs after a dog in the street!

“Stop!” Angela yells. 

Luis sees the child at the last moment. He hits the brakes on the car and turns to the right because he doesn’t want to crash into a child or a dog. Luckily, Luis doesn’t crash into the child, but he does crash into a parked car. With the impact, Luis’s forehead hits the windshield. His arm and leg are also hurt. Angela hurts her neck with the impact.

Luis and Angela are hurt. They need medical help, but they can’t drive the car to the hospital. So, Angela calls an ambulance. The paramedics arrive in the ambulance and help Angela and Luis. They check their condition.

Angela doesn’t have many injuries. Her neck hurts so a paramedic gives her a neck brace. Angela can’t move her head well because the neck brace stabilizes her head. But Angela can walk and she walks to the ambulance.

Luis requires more attention than Angela because he has more injuries. The paramedic puts a bandage on the cut on Luis’s forehead. He puts a neck brace on Luis’s neck. Luis can’t walk because his leg hurts a lot, so the paramedics move Luis on a stretcher.

The ambulance goes to the emergency room at the hospital. In the emergency room a doctor examines Luis. The doctor is dark, short, and very intelligent.

“What happened?” The doctor asks.

“I was dancing the salsa, because I like to dance a lot, when Angela wanted to go home. On the way home, a child ran into the street. I like children and, because I am good, I didn’t want to crash into a child. I hit the brakes and crashed into a parked car. Some people think I am a hero because the child was perfectly fine,” Luis responds.

“What hurts?” The doctor asks. She is not affected by Luis’s exaggerated words.

“My head hurts a lot. My arm and leg hurt. And my heart hurts,” Luis says dramatically.

“Your heart hurts? That’s not good,” the doctor reacts.

“My heart hurts because you are so pretty, but I am here with another woman,” Luis says.

The doctor touches the cut on Luis’s forehead. “Ow!” Luis yells.

“The cut is very serious. It needs stitches,” the doctor says. She gives Luis a shot and then she gives him seven stitches to close the cut. Then she examines Luis’s arm and leg. They hurt Luis a lot

Luis goes to a special room. In the special room, a technician takes an x-ray of his arm. He doesn’t see anything special in the x-ray. Then the technician takes an x-ray of Luis’s leg. He sees a problem in Luis’s leg and talks to the doctor. The doctor talks to Luis.

“Sir, your leg is broken. You need a cast.”

“And my heart?” Luis asks dramatically. The doctor ignores Luis and examines Angela.

“What hurts?” She asks Angela.

“My neck hurts,” Angela responds.

The doctor examines Angela’s neck. It is not broken. The doctor gives her some pills for the pain and says Angela needs to use the neck brace for a few more days.

Another doctor arrives and puts a cast on Luis. The doctor is efficient and good. Luis is not happy with the cast. He wants to dance the salsa and the tango and he can’t with a cast. He can’t walk with the cast!

Luis sits in a wheelchair because he can’t walk due to his broken leg. Angela pushes the wheel chair for Luis because Luis’s arm hurts too.

Luis understands that his date with Angela was not the most fantastic date.

“I’m sorry about the accident,” Luis says to Angela.

“It’s okay, Luis. It was an accident,” Angela responds.

Angela and Luis pass a group of nurses. Luis looks at the nurses and says, “Hello beautiful ladies. How are you doing?”

Angela is very mad at Luis. First the horrible dinner, then the group of women in the club, the accident in front of the women in the park, then the doctor, and now the nurses! Angela pushes Luis’s wheelchair and the cast on his leg crashes with the door.

“Ow, ow!” Luis cries.

“Oh, sorry. It was an accident,” Angela says sarcastically. Then she calls two Ubers. She doesn’t want to spend another minute more with Luis.

The end.

You can also watch a video of this story on YouTube!

I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories. I work hard to provide tools and supports for those who want to learn. Please, consider buying me a taco to support my work!

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Author: Camilla Given

I'm Camilla! I teach at the high school and college level in a small town in western Colorado. My goal is to teach the world Spanish through stories. I truly believe that stories make learning Spanish easier - and even fun! Feel free to contact me at

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