Simple Stories in English: The Elephant and the Mouse

Season 1, episode 1

What do people do in the park? They run and walk and maybe even dance. What does an elephant do in the park? Well, he writes poetry and makes friends with a mouse, of course. 

This short, simple story is told in the present tense and focuses on the words “is”, “does not”, “sit”, “say”, “run” and “write”. 


An elephant sits in the park. He sits on a bench. The elephant’s name is Ed. Ed the elephant is big and grey. Ed the elephant sits on a bench in the park. He does not run, he does not walk, he does not dance. Ed the elephant sits and listens to music and looks at people. Other people run and walk and dance. Ed does not. He sits on a bench and observes.

Ed has an idea. He sees a paper. Ed writes a poem on the paper. Ed listens to music and observes people and writes a poem. When he is done, Ed reads the poem. It is a good poem. It is not a bad poem.

In the park there is a mouse. The mouse walks in the park. The mouse is small and grey. The mouse sees Ed the elephant. The mouse is curious and walks towards the elephant. The mouse touches Ed’s foot. Ed sees the mouse and screams, “AAAAAAAAAAAAH!”

Ed the elephant runs. He runs towards the people in the park. He runs towards the people that are running and walking and dancing.

“Stop!” the mouse says. “Please don’t run away. I am not bad, I am good. I just want a friend.”

Ed the elephant stops and looks at the mouse. The mouse is small, he is not bad. Ed walks back to the mouse and sits on the bench.

“Hello mouse. My name is Ed. What’s your name?” he says.

“My name is Felix,” the mouth says.

“Nice to meet you, Felix,” Ed the elephant says.

“Nice to meet you too, Ed,” Felix the mouse says.

Felix sees that Ed has a paper. Felix is curious. He looks at Ed’s paper. He sees that there is a poem on the paper. Felix reads the poem and exclaims, “Your poem is magnificent!”

“Thank you,” Ed says, “You are a good mouse. You are a good friend.”

You can also watch a video of me telling this story on YouTube!

Thank you for listening! I really enjoy creating and sharing simple, comprehensible stories. If you would like to help me in that endeavor, consider buying me a taco! Even the smallest amount of support is greatly appreciated.

Here is a PDF of the story that you can download:

Author: Camilla Given

I'm Camilla! I teach at the high school and college level in a small town in western Colorado. My goal is to teach the world Spanish through stories. I truly believe that stories make learning Spanish easier - and even fun! Feel free to contact me at

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